Mincho Stoyanov
Chief Designer
Direct and clear, without hidden motives, I, You, We and All around us have traits and personality that define and distinguish us from others, we have our own HPAB /nrav/. Everyone feels best when they are themselves without acting and trying to fit, even more creativity and ideas are fully developed when they do not seek approval and do not aim to follow trends.
Turning to architecture and design, each space, object or building is unique in itself, each of them has its own properties, features and characteristics and just like us has its own HPAB /nrav/, just waiting for us to reveal it.
The synthesis between people who inhabit, use or perceive a space, object or building and the feelings they provoke each other is what dictates the work of the studio, because as Martin Margela says: " an experience that changes nothing is hardly worth having "
For things with HPAB /nrav/ or in other words, for everyone and everything that surrounds us.
* HPAB /nrav/– old Bulgarian word, that describes our personality futures and traits, our character.